Resource strings:
watches.gotoproduct - GO TO PRODUCT
watches.nomore.products - No more products...
watches.picker.set - Set - SALE
1. On the product details page check option "Mark as new" and set the Start date of a new product.
2. Go to Settings -> Catalog and check "Show 'New products' on the home page"
3. Set the number of products to display on the home page
* only for the first submenu
1. On the main category edition page add new User Fields:
- Key: gallery, Value: true
- Key: cols, Value: 4
- Key: size, Value: md
- Key: cols_num, Value: 4
2. On "Main Subcategories" (first categories in each gallery menu columns) add User Fields:
- Key: showImage, Value: true
* Use that option if you want to show images of that subcategories.
System name: ContactHeader_Watches
Example code:
<div class="contact-header">
<div class="icon"> </div>
<div class="content">
<div class="title">Customer service</div>
<div class="numberr">+48 12 345 67 89</div>
</div> </div>
1. To unlock the full icon list ( go to Head.cshtml and change the line with "bootstrap-vue-icons-slim.min.js" to "bootstrap-vue-icons.min.js".
2. Now you can use all icons from the list, you can use them for example in the category icon field.
3. In the admin panel go to a category and fill field named icons with the chosen icon name.
1. Go to the Product details page -> General tab -> Fill the Flag field like in this example:
<span class="danger">AUCTION</span>
Badge background-color List:
- danger (#dc3545)
- success (rgb(169, 204, 0))
- warning (#ffc107)
- dark (#212529)
- purple (#673AB7)
- teal (#50b890)
- green (#4CAF50)
- orange (#EF6C00)
- indigo (#3F51B5)
* You can use different classes like danger, orange, success. If a product has old price, "SALE" flag will be added automatically
1. In the admin panel go to the Customers -> Customer groups -> Administrators > User Fields and set
Key: showPicker, Value: true
Key: usePicker, Value: true
* if you want to disable set values to false
Resource strings: - Read More
watches2.gotoproduct - GO TO PRODUCT
watches2.nomore.products - No more products...
watches2.picker.set - Set - SALE
1. On the product page check option "Mark as new" and set the Start date of a new product.
2. Go to Settings -> Catalog and check "Show 'New products' on the home page"
3. Set the number of products to display on the home page
* only for the first submenu
1. On the main category edition page add new User Fields:
- Key: gallery, Value: true
2. On "Main Subcategories" (first categories in each gallery menu columns) add User Fields:
- Key: showImage, Value: true
* Use that option if you want to show images of that subcategories.
System name: ContactHeader_Watches
Example code:
<div class="contact-header">
<div class="icon"> </div>
<div class="content">
<div class="title">Customer service</div>
<div class="numberr">+48 12 345 67 89</div>
</div> </div>
1. To unlock the full icon list ( go to Head.cshtml and change the line with "bootstrap-vue-icons-slim.min.js" to "bootstrap-vue-icons.min.js".
2. Now you can use all icons from the list, you can use them for example in the category icon field.
3. In the admin panel go to a category and fill field named icons with the chosen icon name.
1. Go to the Product details page -> General tab -> Fill the Flag field like in this example:
<span class="danger">AUCTION</span>
Badge background-color List:
- danger (#dc3545)
- success (rgb(169, 204, 0))
- warning (#ffc107)
- dark (#212529)
- purple (#673AB7)
- teal (#50b890)
- green (#4CAF50)
- orange (#EF6C00)
- indigo (#3F51B5)
* You can use different classes like danger, orange, success. If a product has an old price, "SALE" flag will be added automatically
1. In the admin panel go to the Customers -> Customer groups -> Administrators > User Fields and set
Key: showPicker, Value: true
Key: usePicker, Value: true
* if you want to disable set values to false