Email accounts

Each action, like registration, purchase, even placing an order call an action to send notification, by email. To send any email, a email account is needed, at least one. At this section you be able to add an email account. 

You may assign different email account to be used with any message template. [MORE]

To properly configure email account you need to prepare such a details like host, port, user and password. We recommend using the domain email address. E-mails sent from the same domain as the store address inspire more trust among users.

Email display name will be shown as a sender of associated email.
The remote certificate is invalid / Secure socket options - usually, it's enough to make it enabled and second settings as Auto. However, if it doesn't work with your mail server you need to configure it.

If you want to use the Gmail email address, you need to make a few steps more.

  1. If you are logged in to your email account that you would like to use, navigate to and allow to new login on a third-party device
  2. Navigate to to allow less secure apps to use your email account. By default it's disabled.
  3. After allowing the new login, send the test login. MailKit will log in to your account and it will be recognized as a trusted in the future.