Newsletter category

This section is very useful if you want to categorize your newsletter subscribers. You will learn here how to create and manage categories, then make a useage of it. 


Need to click add new to open creation form. My sample store inventory contain mobile phones as well as Lego kits. Would like to divide subscribers automatically by themselfs. Let`s do it.

Form is quite easy, just maybe a word about "Selected" setting - this setting define if that category should be selected by default or not. I do not want this for this category, so leave unchecked. 
To see the desired result, will need to create one category more, this time a mobile phone. To show the difference, this category will check as selected. 

To see the result, need to open a public store register form. 

As you may notice, there are two additional checkboxes below newsletter, a Lego which is uncheck by default, and mobile checked. If will uncheck newsletter, both options will be hidden, as not able to subscribe to category, without permission to subscribe newsletter in general. Allow me to show the result of customer registration, which is able to be reviewd by store administrator. My test customer will do not change checkboxes from above screen.

At the newsletter subscribers list you may find my new registered customer, with the name of the cateory chosen. 

What I need it for?

Well, this will speed up mail campains creation and allows you to send it only to those, who are really interested in. Read here how to prepare a mailing campaigns