Payrexx enables you to handle worldwide customer payments safely and easily. No website or coding skills required. Immediately accept Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and further 200+ payment methods.
PayRexx can be described by several important features:
More information about the PayRexx payments can be found on their official website here:
To get the Instance name, just need to be logged to the Payrexx panel. What you will see at the URL next to will be your instance name.
The second step is to generate API keys
The last thing to configure at the Payrexx panel is webhook.
When done, just open your GrandNode plugin configuration panel, and paste proper values to
Do not forget to enable payment at the payments list of GrandNode.
When all is done properly, test it. Payrexx is a redirect type plugin, so when you click confirm button at the order, you be redirected to the Payrexx payment form