Multi Vendor Shipping

The plugin allows choosing an independent shipping method for each product coming from a different vendor. Multi-Vendor Shipping is perfect extensions for each multi vendor marketplace, no more problems with different shipping rates and methods. Just install the plugin in the store and everything else depends on your sellers.

The configuration is very simple. Each vendor gets a new menu item related to shipping methods. If he navigates to it, he will see the grid with shipping methods and rates. Each vendor is able to provide its own rates and own methods. Provide the shipping method name and rate and save changes. 

Admin configuration

The plugin is designed to be used for the vendors only. The administrator of the store needs to configure one thing - activate shipping. 

Rest of the configuration each vendor should set up by himself. 

Vendor configuration

Each vendor may add its own shipping option with its own charge for it. 

If saved and the customer will add an item of that vendor, will be able to choose to ship (available by default or by the vendor)

That will be visible also in the order details.