Operations on account

Get customer info
GET /account/info

Request Type: GET

Enter the request URL: http://StoreURL/account/info

Headers: X-Response-View: Json, Content-Type: application/json

Auth type: Bearer Token - paste the token generated in the previous steps

Get customer addresses
GET /account/addresses

Request Type: GET

Enter the request URL:  http://StoreURL/account/addresses

Headers: X-Response-View: Json, Content-Type: application/json

Auth type: Bearer Token - paste the token generated in the previous steps

Get customer orders
GET /order/history

Request Type: GET

Enter the request URL:  http://storeurl/order/history

Headers: X-Response-View: Json, Content-Type: application/json

Auth type: Bearer Token - paste the token generated in the previous steps

Get specified customer order
GET /orderdetails/{orderid}

Request Type: GET

Enter the request URL:  http://storeurl/orderdetails/{orderid}

Headers: X-Response-View: Json, Content-Type: application/json

Auth type: Bearer Token - paste the token generated in the previous steps

How to subscribe to a newsletter
POST /subscribenewsletter?subscribe=true&email={email}

Request Type: POST

Enter the request URL:  http://storeurl/subscribenewsletter?subscribe=true&email={email}

Headers: X-Response-View: Json, Content-Type: application/json

Auth type: Bearer Token - paste the token generated in the previous steps