Push notifications

Build in feature of push notification is using the Firebase. Below a brief description how to prepare project.

This is GrandNode manual, firebase is external application and preparing project in firebase may be changed during the time. If firebase will update own services, look for firebase manual to find the way how to prepare project.

How to prepare?

Need to open firebase console, need to add project. 

Need to add the name of the project

When is created, need to open project settings

At cloud messaging tab, may find server key, need to copy this.

Push notification settings you may find at the administrator dashboard >> Settings >> Push notifications. Open this setting and paste server key in Private Api Key

Get the rest of the settings. Go back to the first tab at the firebase console, and tap the button show at the box "Your apps"

Add nickname of the app and register it

After that you be able to see the data

Copy the values to the push notifications settings. 

Before save, enable.